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Szkolenie archiwalne
Szkolenie archiwalne

Professional Customer Service

Kategoria szkolenia: Sprzedaż
Do ustalenia
800,00 zł (650,41 netto)

Zakres tematyczny szkolenia

Today’s customer is more educated, better prepared and has more alternatives than ever before. Through good customer service we gain client’s trust and loyalty. Building good and strong relationship with customer is a fundamental element of the whole selling process. Thanks to that we enhance competitive advantage on the market. This course focuses on strategies and skills for building lifelong customer relationships by developing valuable and effective customer-care strategies.

Grupa docelowa

Customer service representatives, business owners, people who’s working with clients and also managers who want customer service training in order to reinforce their skills and train their staff. 

At the completion of this module, participants will be able to:
• Adopt a focused customer service process
• Identify key customer issues
• Build professional image
• Recognise barriers to the delivery of outstanding customer service
• Adapt to specific customer behaviour style
• Use questions to guide customers to buying decisions
• Develop communication abilities with clients
• Increase customer loyalty through exceptional customer service
• Use techniques to build relationships
• Develop a personal action plan to improve customer service skills
• Implement the necessary steps of the service process
• Understand the dangers of poor service


• Meaning of ‘service’
• Self-motivation and internal attitude
• Creating own “WHY, HOW, WHAT”
• Buying motives and customer needs

• Evolution of the sales role
• SWOT analysis of sales potential
• Psychological behavioural types

• First impression in sales
• Psychological effects of first impression in contacts with clients
• Methods of building professional sales image

• The reasons for losing clients
• Professional customer care step by step
• Defining cross selling opportunities 
• Recognising communication barriers
• Techniques of active listening
• Open and closed questions in the sales process
• Non-verbal communication




• Role-playing
• Self-assessment tests
• Exercises in groups
• Individual work
• Practice sessions
• Lectures
• Discussions

Informacje dodatkowe

• Development of competencies in the area of professional customer service
• Increasing the efficiency of communication with customer
• Attaining the knowledge on how to get to underlying needs and expectations of customer
• Reading various customer behaviours and making adjustments on that
• Taking care of after-sales process
• Building strong and sustainable relationships with clients
• Expanding positive image of the company on the market

TRAINERDominika Syper - Business Development Master and International Trainer in full spectrum of personal and business development. As an enthusiast of human capital, she uses strategic thinking to produce the best solutions suited for present vigorous world. Her experience in working with professionals from all over the world enables her to help others break through the barriers of achieving better results. Infinite stock of energy and unbreakable optimism support her to inspire others to action and improve their performance in any given area of life. 
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Warszawa woj. mazowieckie
Termin do ustalenia
Poznań woj. wielkopolskie
Termin do ustalenia
Bydgoszcz woj. kujawsko-pomorskie
Toruń woj. kujawsko-pomorskie
Błąd serwera.

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zobacz profil udostępnij zapytanie grupowe