Szukaj szkolenia

Negotiation training

Kategoria szkolenia: Organizacja
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Program: Negotiation training

Duration: 2 days
Objective: To enhance negotiation skills through understanding key concepts, strategies, and techniques, enabling participants to negotiate effectively in various business contexts and achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.

Day 1: Fundamentals of Negotiation

09:00 – 09:30 | Introduction and Opening

  • Welcome participants and outline the objectives and agenda of the workshop.
  • Introduction to negotiation: definition, importance, and the role of negotiation in business.

09:30 – 11:00 | Understanding Negotiation Styles and Approaches

  • Overview of negotiation styles: competitive, collaborative, accommodating, avoiding, and compromising.
  • Identifying your negotiation style and adapting to different situations.
  • Exercise: Self-assessment of negotiation style and group discussion on real-life negotiation experiences.

11:00 – 11:15 | Coffee Break

11:15 – 13:00 | Key Elements of Successful Negotiation

  • The negotiation process: preparation, discussion, proposal, bargaining, closing, and commitment.
  • Importance of preparation: setting objectives, knowing your BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement), and understanding the other party’s interests.
  • Exercise: Developing a negotiation plan — identifying goals, interests, and possible concessions.

13:00 – 14:00 | Lunch

14:00 – 15:30 | Building Rapport and Effective Communication in Negotiations

  • The role of rapport and trust in negotiations: how to build and maintain positive relationships.
  • Techniques for effective communication: active listening, asking questions, paraphrasing, and managing non-verbal cues.
  • Exercise: Role-playing scenarios to practice building rapport and effective communication.

15:30 – 15:45 | Coffee Break

15:45 – 17:00 | Persuasion and Influence Techniques

  • How to use persuasion and influence to achieve your negotiation objectives.
  • Techniques such as framing, anchoring, and mirroring to guide the negotiation in your favor.
  • Exercise: Practicing persuasion techniques in simulated negotiation scenarios.

Day 2: Advanced Negotiation Strategies and Techniques

09:00 – 09:15 | Recap and Reflection on Day One

  • Review key learnings from Day One.
  • Introduction to advanced negotiation strategies.

09:15 – 10:45 | Handling Difficult Negotiations and Conflicts

  • Managing emotions and staying composed under pressure.
  • Techniques for dealing with difficult negotiators: handling aggressive tactics, deflecting criticism, and finding common ground.
  • Exercise: Simulating challenging negotiation scenarios and conflict resolution techniques.

10:45 – 11:00 | Coffee Break

11:00 – 12:30 | Negotiating in a Multi-Party and Cross-Cultural Context

  • Strategies for multi-party negotiations: managing multiple interests, building alliances, and reaching consensus.
  • Understanding cultural differences in negotiation: adapting your approach to diverse cultural norms and practices.
  • Exercise: Multi-party negotiation simulation with cross-cultural elements.

12:30 – 13:30 | Lunch

13:30 – 15:00 | Closing the Deal and Ensuring Commitment

  • Techniques for closing negotiations effectively: summarizing agreements, securing commitments, and avoiding common pitfalls.
  • How to draft agreements that are clear, concise, and leave no room for misunderstandings.
  • Exercise: Practice closing negotiations and drafting agreement terms.

15:00 – 15:15 | Coffee Break

15:15 – 16:30 | Ethics and Integrity in Negotiations

  • The importance of ethics and integrity in negotiations: building long-term relationships and maintaining a positive reputation.
  • Recognizing and avoiding unethical negotiation tactics.
  • Exercise: Discussion and case studies on ethical dilemmas in negotiation.

16:30 – 17:00 | Closing and Summary

  • Summary of key aspects of negotiation techniques and strategies.
  • Q&A session and discussion of next steps for personal and professional development.
  • Presentation of certificates of completion.

Participants will learn:

  1. Identify and Adapt Negotiation Styles: Understand various negotiation styles and learn how to identify and adapt your approach according to the negotiation context and the other party’s style.
  2. Master the Negotiation Process: Gain insights into the key stages of negotiation, including preparation, discussion, proposal, bargaining, and closing, to navigate negotiations systematically and confidently.
  3. Build Rapport and Communicate Effectively: Learn techniques for building rapport and trust with negotiation partners, as well as how to communicate effectively through active listening, questioning, and managing non-verbal cues.
  4. Use Persuasion and Influence: Develop skills in persuasion and influence, employing techniques like framing, anchoring, and mirroring to guide negotiations towards favorable outcomes.
  5. Handle Difficult Negotiations and Conflicts: Learn how to stay composed in challenging negotiations, manage conflict, and deal with difficult negotiators using specific strategies and techniques.
  6. Negotiate in Multi-Party and Cross-Cultural Settings: Understand how to handle the complexities of multi-party negotiations and adapt to cultural differences, ensuring successful outcomes in diverse settings.
  7. Close Deals Effectively and Secure Commitment: Master techniques for closing negotiations, ensuring all parties are committed to the agreed terms, and drafting clear and enforceable agreements.
  8. Maintain Ethics and Integrity in Negotiations: Learn the importance of maintaining ethics and integrity in negotiations, recognizing and avoiding unethical tactics, and building long-term, trustworthy relationships.

Participants will understand how to:

  • Prepare effectively for negotiations, identifying goals, interests, and alternatives to approach discussions with a clear strategy.
  • Adapt their negotiation style to different situations and counterparts, enhancing their ability to achieve desired outcomes.
  • Build rapport and trust with negotiation partners, fostering positive relationships that support successful negotiations.
  • Use communication techniques like active listening, questioning, and managing non-verbal cues to enhance understanding and cooperation.
  • Employ persuasion and influence techniques to guide negotiations in their favor, while maintaining a collaborative approach.
  • Handle difficult situations and conflicts, staying composed under pressure and finding constructive ways to resolve disputes.
  • Navigate multi-party and cross-cultural negotiations, understanding and respecting diverse perspectives and reaching consensus.
  • Close deals effectively, ensuring clear agreements that are fully understood and committed to by all parties.
  • Uphold ethics and integrity, building a reputation as a trustworthy negotiator and fostering long-term business relationships.

This workshop will equip participants with practical negotiation skills and strategies to navigate complex negotiations confidently and achieve win-win outcomes in a variety of professional settings.

Trenerzy biorący udział

Michał Chmielecki
Błąd serwera.

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